Creator of the MANformation Personal Development Program for Men
Get clear on exactly what you want in this world. That sounds like such a simple, easy-to-implement way of thinking—but it's really not. Just like most of the things you do in life, there is always a higher, more accomplished, and more proficient level you can operate at. The higher level you can operate at in anything in life, the greater the rewards you will enjoy.
Learning how to take your “knowing exactly what you want” thinking ability to the next level is no exception. With enough focus, assessment, and practice, you will see that whatever level you understand and execute knowing exactly what you want now, it will pale in comparison five years from now. That is, of course, if you do the continual work needed to improve. The clearer you can get about knowing exactly what you want out of every situation in life, the better. When you get better at knowing exactly what you want, the options in life that you will create for yourself will dramatically increase. Never take for granted that you are already doing “good enough” in this area of your life. Adopt the belief that you can always do a better job.
This is a major difference between the way an Alpha male* thinks and how less dominant and Beta males think. Less dominant and Beta males will think to themselves “I really want ‘this.' It would be awesome if it worked out that way—but I bet they'll only give me ‘that.' I'll suggest a compromise that's somewhere in between ‘this' and ‘that' instead.”
Less dominant and Beta males will take themselves through this back-and-forth thinking process BEFORE the negotiation with another person even begins! Less dominant and Beta males will oftentimes UNCONSCIOUSLY do this and then wonder why they never seem to get what they really want in life. There is no mystery here. These mediocre results they settle for are NOT happening by accident.
This is NOT the way an Alpha male thinks. In his most powerful and determined mental state, the Alpha male identifies, focuses on, and then tenaciously goes after exactly what he really wants—and never settles for a watered-down version unless he is forced to do so.
Be decisive when identifying what you really want. Learn how to make decisions quickly by practicing making decisions any time you can. It doesn't matter how big or small the decisions you make are, just make as many of them as you can. Just like exercising in the gym, you will start building and maintaining your “decision-making muscle.”
You can always make adjustments or an entirely new decision later if needed or when you have more information. This is another key difference between the Alpha male and less dominant and Beta males. Less dominant and Beta males will collect massive amounts of information and invest a lot of time before making all of their decisions. If a decision they make doesn't turn out to be the best decision, they go through the entire belabored process all over again collecting even more data and investing even more time.
Although the less dominant and Beta males might achieve a higher percentage of “victories” versus so-called “losses,” the Alpha male enjoys a significantly higher number of victories during the same time period because he has made so many more decisions. It's the number of victories that you experience—not the higher percent of victories compared to losses—that will get you ahead in life. The more decisions you make, the greater your chances for more victories.
The Alpha male concentrates on racking up as many victories as he can in the shortest period of time—regardless of how any so-called “losses” might affect his ego (because he won't let them) or how they may look in other people's eyes (because he doesn't care). Less dominant and Beta males get overly concerned with how many “losses” they will suffer, how those losses might affect their more fragile egos, and fear how badly they might look in other people's eyes.
For more MANformation Alpha Leadership strategies, visit the MANformation web site at
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