Success and Leadership Coach
Creator of the MANformation Personal Development Program for Men
What is the REAL message you are communicating to others when you speak?
The way you communicate with other people has a tremendous impact on the level of success you are able to experience in your life. You are ALWAYS communicating your thoughts, perceptions, and ideas to other people—whether you realize it or not!
The Alpha male is extremely aware of the fact that the vast majority of the way he communicates to the world (Studies have shown up to 93%) is done through his body language, facial expressions, eye movements, and voice qualities--and NOT the words he uses.
Here are some key distinctions that a poised, confident, and powerful Alpha male does--and does not do--when he is SPEAKS:
• He understands that it's not only WHAT he says that's important—it's HOW he says it that's important
• His “default” speaking voice is low, controlled, authoritative, and powerful
• He speaks at the appropriate volume at all times
• He speaks up all the time—unless he consciously chooses to speak softly for effect
• He speaks clearly
• He enunciates his words perfectly
• He even OVER-enunciate his words because he realizes that, although it may sound slow and awkward to him at times, it sounds clear, confident, normal, and extremely effective to the people he is speaking to
• His diction is precise, sharp, and crisp
• He makes sure he is in a peak and appropriate emotional state before he speaks—and then delivers his message
• His body language is strong, powerful, and charismatic because he understands that it bolsters the message he delivers
• He chooses to speak at his own TIMETABLE—and no one else's
• He takes the time to think about what he says before he says it—and the process gets faster over time through constantly practice
• He demonstrates the voice qualities that he consciously chooses—and never what anyone expects of him (just because he knows that's what they expect)
• He understands that being emotionally neutral until the very last moment before expressing the appropriate emotion is extremely POWERFUL
• He understands how effective and powerful “Pregnant Pauses” in his speaking patterns can be—and he uses them often
• He uses interesting, clever, and appropriate stories, metaphors, and analogies when he speaks
• He takes advantage of the opportunity to inject humor into conversation every time it is appropriate
Do you want to learn MORE about the qualities, characteristics, and actions of POWERFUL ALPHA MALES and put your MANformation Into OVERDRIVE!
Invest NOW in Skip La Cour's. . .
"The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader" Audio Seminar Course
Become the MAN you really want to be and get all the options in life that you really want! This course is 11 hours and 30 minutes of POWERFUL, LIFE-CHANGING Alpha LEADERSHIP strategies. Get the mp3 sound files and the Session Workbook pdf files emailed to you today.
“Skip La Cour's messages in ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader' are insightful, poignant, and thought provoking. I find myself listening to each session multiple times for fear of missing something and the internal desire to drive home these life-changing concepts. The first session alone was worth the price of admission!”
Greg Phelps, CFP, CLU, AAMS Las Vegas, NV
Your investment is only $99.97
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"The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader" Audio Seminar Course Outline
Why "Nice Guys" Finish Last Session One (1 hour; 57 minutes)
The reason why you are not getting what you want in life-at the level you really want-may be in how you are defining the word "nice" in critical situations in your life. Alpha Leaders interpret being "nice" as mature, productive MEN. Conversely, Passive Followers who struggle to get what they want in life still think and act like the obedient little BOYS that they were expected to be when they were young.
Learn seventeen (17) of the most-insightful SPECIFIC differences in the way an Alpha Leader interprets being "nice" and "fair" compared to less-dominant men and Passive Followers. Adopt this Alpha Leader mindset, even the playing field, and FINALLY begin to win at the level you want to win.
The Body Language of a Powerful Alpha Leader Session Two (2 hours; 1 minute)
You can spot a powerful and charismatic Alpha Leader the moment he walks into a room, can't you? Why do you think it is so obvious to everyone that he is "the man" without knowing a thing about him?
Learn forty-three (43) of the most-intriguing, SPECIFIC things an Alpha Leader does with his body language, facial expressions, eye movements, and voice qualities in certain situations that transmits his strength, certainty, and confidence. Also, learn what he will NEVER do in other situations because doing so will take away from his powerful presence. Adopt this body language at the appropriate time and become more influential, persuasive, and charismatic to those people around you.
“I am killing the New York City corporate world with the implementation of my MANformation strategies. Most of all I am empowered because I am aware. Thanks for your unique contribution to the few of us who want more."
Craig Ariano Richmond Hill, NY
The Specific Influence, Persuasion, Charismatic Skills of an Alpha Leader Session Three (2 hours; 4 minutes)
The Alpha Leader has the amazing ability to get other people to willingly, joyfully, and enthusiastically help him get what he wants in his life. Learn twenty (20) of the most influential, persuasive, and charismatic skills of an Alpha Leader. Adopt these winning skills and you, too, will get people excited to help you get what YOU want.
The Structured Thoughts, Actions, and Lifestyle of a Powerful Alpha Leader Session Four (2 hours; 11 minutes)
Learn thirty-one (31) SPECIFIC ways an Alpha Leader structures his day and gets himself to follow through with what he knows he needs to do to get what he wants in life. Adopt this structure and you'll start leading your own life more effectively-and leading others too.
Goal-Setting Workshop - Alpha Leader-Style Session Five (1 hour; 58 minutes)
An Alpha Leader wins in life at an incredible level because of his outrageous standards, tremendously high expectations, and lofty goals. With what you've learned during the previous four Tele-Seminar sessions, you will NOW be ready to start going for what you REALLY want out of your life-instead of only what you've been settling for in the past. This goal-setting session will make you more assertive, create an Alpha Leader model to aspire toward, and get you to enthusiastically work toward it.
Successfully Integrating the Thoughts and Actions of an Alpha Leader Into Your Lifestyle Session Six (1 hours; 33 minutes)
Learn thirty-seven (37) of the most-effective, SPECIFIC strategies an Alpha Leader executes for CONTINUAL mental, emotional, psychological, and physical growth. When you execute these powerful and charismatic leadership strategies, you will enjoy CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT in your Alpha Leader thoughts and actions.
Your investment is only $99.97
Get the files emailed to you NOW and begin your "MANformation" TODAY!
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“I was extremely impressed at all the information Skip La Cour has shared in ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader' and the way in which it is presented! I will tell you that what Skip offers will have you really think about your perceptions of what an ‘Alpha Male' really is, allowing yourself new possibilities to grow and enrich your life, and the lives of those you love. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to improve upon being the best MAN they can be in all aspects of your life!”
Tom Anthony Roehl Greenfield, WI
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MANformation and Alpha Edge are registered trademarks of Skip La Cour Consulting.