It's Skip La Cour.
Most of you know me as a bodybuilder. Many of you have been following my bodybuilding career and reading the articles I've written in the international "muscle" magazines since the '90s.
That's causing many of my "bodybuilding brothers" to ask me:
"What the heck is this 'MANformation' stuff all about, Skip?"
MANformation is a personal development program that I created for MEN. It teaches men of all ages and levels of accomplishment Alpha Leadership Skills.
What you may not know about me is that I've been heavily involved in the personal development business for over 25 years. In fact, I give a lot of credit to the time and attention I invested into that way of thinking for helping me become a six-time national champion bodybuilder.
I worked closely with three different world-recognized personal development leaders. After my competitive bodybuilding career ended, I traveled all over the United States for over TWO YEARS with a top-ranked peak performance specialist learning more about people and our potential to achieve more in life.
MANformation will transform you into the MAN you really want be--and get the things in life that you REALLY want (and not settle for).
When you learn how to more effectively lead you own life, you will be better equipped to lead other people.
Your success in life will depend on your ability to be confident, charismatic, influential, and persuasive enough to lead OTHER PEOPLE!
When you learn how to lead other people more effectively, you get them to willing and enthusiastically WANT to help you get what you want in life.
And, don't make the mistake of thinking that MANformation is only for passive, indecisive "Beta" males. MANformation is for already successful men who want MORE out of life and are looking for an "edge" over all of the other competitive men in this world who want what they are after too!
That, I call the "Alpha Edge"!
During a past episode of my MANformation ALPHA EDGE Talk Radio Show , I talked all about the program in great detail.
Click here NOW to download "Skip La Cour Explains the MANformation Program and How It Will Help You Get What You Really Want in Life"
This is one "Hour of Power" you don't want to miss hearing!
Skip La Cour
Here is a free 22-minute recording of a number of POWERFUL MANformation Alpha Power Statements (MAPS).
MANformation Alpha Power Statements (MAPS) are a series of empowering statements where I coach you and remind you of many of the key principles of the MANformation program.
“Thanks Skip! I have been using the MAPS for about three months now. I listen to them during my cardio sessions. Great affirmations that get me focused on being a leader.”
Chris Tunstall
“Well, Skip, I love the affirmations but I am a Alpha Female—and they works for me too!”
Toni Robinson
“Thank you for this gift. You are always blessed because you help others in need.”
Roy Smith
“Skip, this is THE mp3 that I listen to on the way to the gym. By listening, over time, I have increased focus and confidence during workouts.”
Joel Nathan
“These are an awesome tool to trigger the subconscious mind, Thanks Skip.”
Ricardo Freitas
Here's the challenge:
1. Download this file to your IPod (or mp3 player).
2. Listen to the 22-minute recording every day during your 5-day structured week for 30 days.
3. Ideally, you want to listen to this recording while you are in the gym exercising in the morning.
4. Even better is listening to these MAPS while you are doing some kick-ass cardiovascular training.
5. Only listen to the MAPS five days during the week. There's no sense in getting burned out doing too much. 22 minutes just five days a week will be plenty of “exercise and practice” to get these MAPS into your subconscious thought process and automatically integrate them into your own personality without a lot of effort.
6. If you must work out in the evening, listen to the MAPS then.
7. If you can't listen to them while you are working out, then download this mp3 file to your home computer and invest the time to listen to them first thing in the morning.
8. Even if you get “bored” with this process, promise yourself to stick with it for 30 days. Many times, we are getting positive results in our lives and we have no idea where to credit the cause of those positive results. These MAPS may be just one of those instances. Remember that when things are going well for you in your life—and you don't feel like listening to the MAPS anymore.
Click here to download the mp3 file.
Good luck!
Skip La Cour
Creator of the MANformation Personal Development Program for Men
P. S. I want your feedback within 30 days of taking on this challenge.
For more MANformation Alpha Leadership strategies, visit the MANformation web site at
"The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader" Audio Seminar Course
Get the MP3 Sound Files and Session Workbook PDF Files Emailed to You NOW and Begin Your "MANformation" TODAY!
Become the MAN you really want to be and get all the options in life that you really want!
This course is 11 hours and 30 minutes of POWERFUL, LIFE-CHANGING Alpha LEADERSHIP strategies.
Get the mp3 sound files and the Session Workbook pdf files emailed to you today.
Your investment is only $99.97
Click HERE NOW for more information and Order Your Audio Seminar Course
Read What Men Just Like You Have to Say About "The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader" Audio Seminar Course
“Skip La Cour's messages in ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader' are insightful, poignant, and thought provoking. I find myself listening to each session multiple times for fear of missing something and the internal desire to drive home these life-changing concepts. The first session alone was worth the price of admission!”
Greg Phelps, CFP, CLU, AAMS
Las Vegas, NV
“I am killing the New York City corporate world with the implementation of my MANformation strategies. Most of all I am empowered because I am aware. Thanks for your unique contribution to the few of us who want more."
Craig Ariano
Richmond Hill, NY
“I was extremely impressed at all the information Skip La Cour has shared in ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader' and the way in which it is presented! I will tell you that what Skip offers will have you really think about your perceptions of what an ‘Alpha Male' really is, allowing yourself new possibilities to grow and enrich your life, and the lives of those you love. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to improve upon being the best MAN they can be in all aspects of your life!”
Tom Anthony Roehl
Greenfield, WI
Your investment is only $99.97
Click HERE NOW for more information and Order Your Audio Seminar Course
"'The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader' is a powerful course that challenges men to reevaluate both the way they see themselves and the way they relate to other people. It lays out strategies and exercises that empower men to step up, assert themselves, take responsibility, and direct their energies toward pursuing what they really want in life. I highly recommend it to anyone striving to reach that next level."
T. Kareem Powell
Dayton, OH
“I want to thank you for helping me start my own MANFormation into the powerful Alpha Male that I always dreamed I could be. After years of frustration and being put down by my peers, I realized that my life was that of a beta-male. I lacked the confidence to take charge and be a leader. Enter your Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader seminar. I diligently followed your instructions and practiced them on a consistent basis. Already, my life is turning around for the better—even in the face of harsh challenges. I would never have the mindset nor the drive and confidence to make my life better without you opening the doors to being an Alpha Male. Thank you very much!”
Troy Bennett
Chicago, IL
"I just turned 50 but I've been dragging along for years this lingering baggage of not being as fit as I would like. Plus, I had lost that powerful male swagger that had served me so well in the past. So, I stepped up to the plate. I made up my mind that these failings of mine had to stop now and signed up for Skip La Cour's ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader' seminar. Now, I'm thinking, feeling and acting like a man 20 years younger, getting strong and lean, and even my business relationships have stepped up big time. This is already becoming one of the best years of my life!”
Greg Prickett
Bakersfield, CA
Your investment is only $99.97
Click HERE NOW for more information and Order Your Audio Seminar Course
Copyright 2010 Skip La Cour Consulting. All Rights Reserved.
MANformation and Alpha Edge are registered trademarks of Skip La Cour Consulting.