Creator of the MANformation Personal Development Program for Men
He understands that disagreements, conflicts, and confrontations are NOT necessarily bad things that should be avoided.
The Alpha male does NOT view every single conflict as a negative event. He understands that conflict is oftentimes a MANDATORY step toward getting to the very best solution. He is mentally and emotionally prepared for conflict. The Alpha male WELCOMES the opportunity to effectively resolve conflict when it occurs.
Have you heard of the expression, "It's not personal; it's business"? Well, that's exactly how the Alpha male views the occasional conflicts that occur in his life.
“It's not personal; it's just what sometimes happens when people interact.'”
Now, let's compare the Alpha male's perspective to that of less dominant men and Beta males: Less dominant and Beta males feel they are the “better man” when they successfully avoid disagreements, conflicts, and confrontations.
That is a belief system that must be DESTROYED immediately!
You must understand that are NOT necessarily a "better" person just because you can successfully avoid these challenging situations. If fact, you are probably selling yourself short with other people by doing so.
Disagreements, conflicts, and confrontations are oftentimes important parts of the negotiation process between people that will eventually lead to agreements that can satisfy BOTH parties.
Of course, it may appear that you are getting along well with people when conflict is avoided! At least, it will in the short run it will.
Consider this point:
How hard is it to stay out of other people's way and give them what they want? If you spend a lot of time and energy avoiding disagreements, conflicts, and confrontation like the supposed "good little boy" you were taught to be many years ago, you must realize this:
While you've been "successfully" avoiding conflict and have only gotten in five or so conflicts in the last couple of years, the other person that you need to confront may have gotten into five conflicts BEFORE LUNCH TODAY.
Who do you think is going to be more skilled, confident, and comfortable when you go head-to-head with that person?
The bottom line comes down to this:
Is that mindset and approach REALLY working for you? Be honest! If you are in a place of pain because you are unable to get what you really want in your life, you absolutely must be honest with yourself. If you want to have more and better options in life, you absolutely must be honest with yourself.
The Alpha male is extremely confident and comfortable in the midst of conflict. How does he become so confident and comfortable? The Alpha male gets confident and comfortable by constantly stepping up to the challenge every time he must.
If he THINKS that he must stand up for himself and his position—then he DOES it! He conditions himself to never back down during those challenging times—even if he is uncomfortable. The Alpha male “practices and exercises” this MINDSET until it is firmly integrated into his personality. The Alpha male “practices and exercises” TAKING ACTION until doing so is firmly integrated into his personality.
When you "practice and exercise" anything you do on a continual basis long enough, how can you NOT become good at it? And, once you are good at it, how can you NOT eventually feel more and more confident and comfortable when you are doing it?
The Alpha male understands that the competition for the very best options in life can be FIERCE at times! The Alpha male understand that the “game” is always in “play”—whether he chooses to participate in it or not. He simply understands the competitive nature that's inherent in a select few number of people—especially in other Alpha male leaders.
The Alpha male also understands that other people do NOT always live by his rules, values, beliefs, and standards. He understands that other people may not even believe in them. He never makes the mistake of assuming that they will—or even that they should. And, the Alpha male never takes it personally when other people do NOT play life by his same rules, values, beliefs, and standards.
When the Alpha male does get into conflicts, he doesn't feel the need to talk about them afterward. He doesn't need the "emotional therapy" of talking, justifying, rationalizing, and explaining the conflict to other people. There is no need for him to do so because there is nothing for him to "recover" from because he never viewed any conflict as a "bad" event in the first place.
Make sure that you immediately adopt the perspective of the Alpha male when it comes to disagreements, conflicts, and confrontations. Then, start “practicing and exercising” holding onto this mindset and taking these actions steps every chance you get.
And remember, when it comes to effectively resolving disagreements, conflicts, and confrontations:
If you THINK it—you must DO it!
There's no backing down from this moment forward!
Learn how to START LEADING and STOP FOLLOWING with Skip La Cour's. . .
"The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader" Audio Seminar Course
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Become the MAN you really want to be and get all the options in life that you really want!
This course is 11 hours and 30 minutes of POWERFUL, LIFE-CHANGING Alpha LEADERSHIP strategies.
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Read What Men Just Like You Have to Say About "The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader" Audio Seminar Course
Greg Phelps, CFP, CLU, AAMS
Las Vegas, NV
“I am killing the New York City corporate world with the implementation of my MANformation strategies. Most of all I am empowered because I am aware. Thanks for your unique contribution to the few of us who want more."
Craig Ariano
Richmond Hill, NY
“I was extremely impressed at all the information Skip La Cour has shared in ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader' and the way in which it is presented! I will tell you that what Skip offers will have you really think about your perceptions of what an ‘Alpha Male' really is, allowing yourself new possibilities to grow and enrich your life, and the lives of those you love. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to improve upon being the best MAN they can be in all aspects of your life!”
Tom Anthony Roehl
Greenfield, WI
Your investment is only $99.97
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"'The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader' is a powerful course that challenges men to reevaluate both the way they see themselves and the way they relate to other people. It lays out strategies and exercises that empower men to step up, assert themselves, take responsibility, and direct their energies toward pursuing what they really want in life. I highly recommend it to anyone striving to reach that next level."
T. Kareem Powell
Dayton, OH
“I want to thank you for helping me start my own MANFormation into the powerful Alpha Male that I always dreamed I could be. After years of frustration and being put down by my peers, I realized that my life was that of a beta-male. I lacked the confidence to take charge and be a leader. Enter your Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader seminar. I diligently followed your instructions and practiced them on a consistent basis. Already, my life is turning around for the better—even in the face of harsh challenges. I would never have the mindset nor the drive and confidence to make my life better without you opening the doors to being an Alpha Male. Thank you very much!”
Troy Bennett
Chicago, IL
"I just turned 50 but I've been dragging along for years this lingering baggage of not being as fit as I would like. Plus, I had lost that powerful male swagger that had served me so well in the past. So, I stepped up to the plate. I made up my mind that these failings of mine had to stop now and signed up for Skip La Cour's ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader' seminar. Now, I'm thinking, feeling and acting like a man 20 years younger, getting strong and lean, and even my business relationships have stepped up big time. This is already becoming one of the best years of my life!”
Greg Prickett
Bakersfield, CA
Your investment is only $99.97
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MANformation is a registered trademark of Skip La Cour Consulting.